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EA Mode

SECCHI Bus Voltages from S/C for 2006-11-06 EA-mode test on Ahead:

SECCHI Bus Voltages from S/C for 2006-11-06 EA-mode test on Ahead
SECCHI Bus Voltages from S/C for 2006-11-06 EA-mode test on Ahead

Limit Analysis

The following plots are for current telemetry (Amps) that exceeded a limit more than a few times in the last year. A yellow horizontal line indicates the Yellow Limit that was in effect, a red line indicates the Red Limit:

Graph of limit analysis 2008-2009 - HBSEBBUSI


Graph of Limit Analysis 2008-2009 - HBHIBUSI


Closeup of graph of Limit Analysis - Closeup of HBHIBUSI
Closeup of HBHIBUSI