Release notes for the publication number can go here

Boot Times

Here are reboot times from execution of SFMODE proc on the EDM for your reference..

/SWMAINTMODE -> TM#0112 Xition to Maint Mode 1:03

/SWOPSMODE -> TM#0113 Xition to Ops Mode 1:19

/SWRESETCOLD -> TM#0111 Board Level Reset 2:03

/RECOVERREBOOT COLD -> TM#0105 Spurious Processor Reset 2:04

/SHSLOTDIS -> TM#0101 Reset Due to Watchdog 2:01 (includes 10-second timer count-down)

SECCHI Consortium Meeting, Stanford

Tasks or Action Items for Session on Space Weather SECCHI Consortium meeting,  Stanford

On the structure of the SW Group, the consensus was that our group should be open to all the STEREO instrument teams as well as outside scientists interested in space weather.  It is OK to keep the present NRL SECCHI internet site, but to link it as needed elsewhere such as the GSFC STEREO Science Center. We should use the website interactively, especially for sending email to the entire group.  Comments, ideas, changes to the site are solicited.